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IMN Single Family Rental Forum (East)

Chantal Gakwaya

Chantal Gakwaya

Founder and CEO, Globecore Group

Chantal Gakwaya is a serial entrepreneur, visionary founder, and CEO of Globecore Real Estate Group, a

pioneering force in the residential housing investment sector. Fluent in six languages and driven by a
profound commitment to solving societal challenges, Chantal has led Globecore to redefine the
landscape of single-family residential (SFR) and build-to-rent (BTR) investments.
With over a decade of experience in the industry, Chantal has established herself as a leader in
transforming residential housing investment into empowerment and community revitalization. Her
the journey began with a childhood steeped in the entrepreneurial spirit of Rwanda, instilling in her a
passion for innovation and social impact from an early age.

After moving to the United States and pursuing higher education, Chantal honed her skills in business
science and information technology, laying the groundwork for her entrepreneurial endeavors. Fluent in
six languages, she possesses a unique ability to bridge cultural divides and foster meaningful
connections in the global marketplace.

As a serial entrepreneur, Chantal has leveraged her expertise to launch ventures that address pressing
societal needs. With Globecore, she has built a purpose-driven organization dedicated to caring for
families, empowering communities, and pioneering innovative investment solutions.
Under Chantal's leadership, Globecore has garnered the trust of industry titans like Tricon, Starwood,
and AH4R, while serving over 10,000 properties and exceeding $1 billion in acquisitions. Through a
comprehensive suite of services, including market analysis, property management, home rehabilitation,
tenant sourcing, and brokerage and advisory services, Globecore has set new standards for excellence in
the residential investment industry.

Beyond her professional pursuits, Chantal remains deeply committed to philanthropy and social impact.
A humanist at heart, she believes in using business as a force for good, regularly volunteering and
contributing to organizations that address societal challenges.

Looking to the future, Chantal;s vision for Globecore is one of continued innovation and social
responsibility. By redefining what it means to invest in homes and communities, she envisions a world
where every family has the opportunity to thrive. Join Chantal and the Globecore team as they pave the
way for a future where investment and community empowerment go hand-in-hand.


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