Michael Davidson
Michael is noted as a cutting-edge senior sales and marketing professional with over 35 years in the financial services industry. In his early years, he was formally trained on Wall Street in portfolio management and trading encompassing both capital markets (debt) and equity (Stocks, Options, and Futures) . Managing large sales forces and marketing operations has proven to be his ultimate forte where he has constantly achieved high metrics and thrived. In the mid 90's he transitioned into the mortgage banking world and was instrumental in starting and building one of the largest private mortgage banks on Long Island,
He has also been heavily involved in capital markets in regard to trading whole loans for many debt asset classes after 2008, which led him into the private lending space where he facilitated buying whole loans giving liquidity to small lenders. Through his previous experience in the space, he has helped lenders build high achieving sales forces, cutting edge lead platforms, and liquidity through facilitating whole loan transactions. A strength is his strong leadership, focus, attention to detail, and building highly successful sales/marketing platforms from the ground up. Most of all he is known for getting the job done. Mr. Davidson has been responsible for billions of financial transactions both in debt and equity space and is well known in the industry for those accomplishments.